Friday, February 19, 2010

Alex and His Stuffed Animals!

Alex LOVES all of his stuffed animals! The other morning when I went in his room, I found him cuddled up with them! He is so funny! He knows all of their names and cannot go to bed unless he has them all in there with him! We took the boys to Build-a-Bear and made Alex a monkey for Valentine's day. He carries him all around the house all day long! We thought it fit because he is definitely our little monkey!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Austin helped me make our Valentine's cookies on Sunday!
He really enjoys helping out lately!
The boys thoroughly enjoyed eating the cookies when they were all done! We had to deliver them to people that night so they would stop asking for MORE COOKIES!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We have gotten almost 2 feet of snow just in the month of February!! The boys are loving it, but have a hard time playing in it because it is so deep, they just kind of sink!! Luckily for me our cute little neighbor boys are always willing to play with them outside, so I don't have to go out there!! Needless to say...I am ready for Spring and some warmer weather! Hopefully we don't get anymore snow!!!Pretty soon our mailbox is going to be buried!!
Our truck pretty much is buried!

Austin and Alex love to go out on the deck to do their snow dance!!

Bruiser isn't a big fan of the snow...he can barely even move in it. He is almost totally covered when he goes out on the grass, he has to jump to get anywhere! It is pretty entertaining!